Merger , Acquisition and Integration
People and People Practice review and integration is the most important aspect in any Merger Acquisition deal. This if not done appropriately can expose the company to huge risks.
Our lawyers advise and assist clients in buying and selling companies throughout the entire transaction life-cycle, by providing support for the full range of HR and employee-related issues, including due diligence, Process and Policy Review , gaps and risks identification and mitigation ,employee transfers, unions/works council management and advice, and post-deal transaction integration. Issues such as the transfer of personnel from the transferor to the transferee generate legal challenges in circumstances. We counsel clients on the different labour law consequences of such transactions and assist them in structuring them in such a way that the transfer of employment complies with all statutory requirements.
This includes the following Services :
HR policies ,procedures and employment Law practice Due Diligence.
Risk identification and mitigation plan.
Review Policies and plan Harmonization of policies and thereafter drafting.
Review Employment Contracts and draft appropriate addendum to safeguard both employer and employee interest post-Merger , Acquisition and Integration
Support in integration , Onboarding and communication plan